Saturday, February 22, 2020

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 36

Management - Essay Example use it maximises the â€Å"must† and â€Å"want† criteria, as well as having lowered uncertainty and risks through the lowest negative impact on the environment and employees, while Brand B is the second choice because it is satisficing in relation to the minimal criteria of â€Å"must† and â€Å"want.† Brand A is chosen because it has the most points when it comes to the â€Å"must† and â€Å"want† features and has the lowest risks involved. Brand A has the highest points for meeting the â€Å"must† features of maximum cost, being compatible with related equipment, availability of support services, and having no need for renovation. Aside from meeting the planned budget for the equipment, Brand A has the least negative effects on people and workplace because it is already compatible with resources and space, so it reduces costs for renovation and other physical changes at work that can disrupt everyday routine. In other words, it has the fewest risks of changing the status quo and creating conflicts that might be causes of resistance to changes. Brand A also meets the â€Å"want† features of safety, availability upon delivery date and not needing special training for its use. By being available, a plan for its future use can be set up. By not requiring special training, it has the least consumption of training resources and do not need to change work flows and other work habits. The next most important factors are pricing and flexibility, which Brand A meets. Brand A has a good price, unlike Brand C. Though there is more uncertainty with Brand A because the minimum years of service are not assured compared to other brands, it has the fewest negative effects on employees and the workplace. Brand A has safety features and it is compatible with existing equipment and space that Brand C does not have, for instance. Brand A requires no renovation for existing space and additional special training, which again means less uncertainty for workers. In addition, Brand A has

Thursday, February 6, 2020

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO (PDP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO (PDP) - Essay Example After finishing my learning session, I did my â€Å"Foundation Year† during the year 2009 to 2010 and then I joined the Coventry University. My aspirations of joining the university and pursue higher studies were basically to acquire knowledge and groove throughout the courses with the aim that I can enhance myself according to the requirements of a perfect career. Till now, I have worked with my father and helped him in his business activities in Saudi Arabia. I used to join him in our family business during every summer when I was studying in the high school in my home country. I have decided to study further in the Coventry University as I want to gather industrial knowledge and learn the skills of building up relationships with the peer groups. The Coventry University is a perfect place for enhancement in this respect as the university perceives relationship to be the key to moving towards long term strategic alliances. 2.0 Aspirations for the Course at Coventry with Futur e Outlook Coventry is a university that emphasizes on innovation and is also an evolving university that is in practice for achievement of excellence in education. It not only provides a supportive and caring environment but also strives for getting enriched by the perfect integration of academic and practical experiences. My present objective is to prepare myself for every kind of situations that can come up in my professional lif